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Greater calls for government accountability

The Finnish-Russian Civic Forum (FINROSFORUM) promotes cooperation between the peoples of Finland and Russia by supporting civic initiatives for democracy, human rights, and free speech.


Criticism of Russia’s response to wildfires linked to greater calls for government accountability, transparency

As wildfires rage across Russia and the death toll rises, many critics say the government's response to the disaster has been inadequate. Officials have been quick to proclaim control of the fires, but mobilizations to save villages have been slow.

The ongoing disaster may further fuel popular opposition to the current regime, at a time when the government has made moves to crack down on the strengthening grassroots movement that is fighting for official accountability, the rule of law, and an end to corruption.

Jenny Johnson of Free Speech Radio News interviewed Oksana Chelysheva, board member of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, Kerkko Paananen, Information Secretary of the Finnish-Russian Civic Forum, and Tatyana Lokshina, Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch in Moscow.

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